eBook: Grieve, Breathe, Receive: Finding a Faith Strong Enough to Hold Us (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Steve Carter 
分類: Christian liturgy, prayerbooks & hymnals ,
Christian life & practice ,
Christian counselling ,
Aspects of religion (non-Christian) ,
Coping with death & bereavement  
書城編號: 28076653

售價: $156.00

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製造商: Thomas Nelson
出版日期: 2024/05/07
頁數: 224
ISBN: 9780785235620
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What do you do when your world seems to be falling down all around you? When loss is too much to bear? When disappointment becomes your new reality? Pastor Steve Carter is certain you'll find hope and life through these three simple yet profound steps: Grieve. Breathe. Receive.In 2018, in light of further misconduct allegations against Willow Creek Community Church founder and senior pastor Bill Hybels, Steve Carter announced publicly that he was resigning from his dream job as a lead pastor at that church. After posting his resignation online, he turned off all of his devices and began to weep on his wife's shoulder. The next morning as he was taking a walk to process all the thoughts and feelings tumbling around in his mind, he cried out to Jesus in desperation, begging for an answer. "What am I supposed to do now?" He expected nothing but the silence that had overwhelmed him since hitting send on his message to the world, but before he could take two steps, a gentle whisper impressed three words upon his heart: grieve, breathe, receive.Those three words would become a profound mantra for Steve in the season he would soon begina season focused on healing. Deep healing. The kind that comes after painful trauma. In this book, Steve is more personal and vulnerable than he's ever been, and by doing so he encourages all of us to:Allow ourselves the necessary time and space to properly GRIEVE what is, what you thought it was going to be and how key people let you down rather than fill our days with activities and commitments that distract us.Slow down to BREATHE in God's grace, His peace, and His love . . . and to learn how to exhale all the negativity, pain, resentment, and bitterness we carry within us.Be open to RECEIVE all the lessons, surprises, and healing God knows we need for every part of us to be made whole. This process of grieving, breathing, and receiving was a life-restoring gift from God for Steve and his family, and he is certain that it will bless anyone who prayerfully follows it.
Steve Carter 作者作品表

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eBook: Grieve, Breathe, Receive: Finding a Faith Strong Enough to Hold Us (DRM PDF)

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Grieve, Breathe, Receive: Finding a Faith Strong Enough to Hold Us (Paperback)

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