eBook: Vengeance: The Khan 2 (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Saima Mir 
書城編號: 28076969

售價: $169.00

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製造商: Oneworld Publications
出版日期: 2024/06/06
頁數: 336
ISBN: 9780861541577

Jia Khan must fight to stay on top when secrets from the past are revealed. The brilliant, tension-filled follow-up to the bestselling Times and Guardian Crime Novel of the Year. 'Unputdownable, unflinching and timely.' Erin Kelly For two years, Jia Khan has been running her late father's organised crime business in the north of England. So far, her authority has remained unchallenged, but now things are beginning to unravel. When she finds her father's notebook recounting his arrival from Pakistan in the 1970s, it awakes an old family feud that could have devastating repercussions for Jia. And worst of all, one of her staff lies brutally slain, his corpse displayed provocatively in her garden despite her sophisticated security. Someone is getting dangerously close. Could there be a traitor in Jia Khan's trusted inner circle? 'Propulsive... A riveting second outing for the Khan.' Vaseem Khan
Saima Mir 作者作品表

The Book of Bradford (Paperback)

Vengeance: The Khan 2 (Hardcover)

eBook: Vengeance: The Khan 2 (DRM EPUB)

The Unheard Voices (Paperback)

The Khan (Hardcover)

The Khan: A Times & Sunday Times Crime Novel of the Year (Paperback)

The Khan: A Times & Sunday Times Crime Novel of the Year (Hardcover)

eBook: Khan: 'Bold, addictive and brilliant.' Stylist, Best Fiction 2021 (DRM EPUB)

The Khan (Paperback)

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