eBook: Power of Hormones: The new science of how hormones shape every aspect of our lives (mp3 zips)
電子書格式: mp3 zips
作者: Max Nieuwdorp, Joe Eyre 
分類: Endocrinology  
書城編號: 28080896

原價: HK$312.00
現售: HK$296.4 節省: HK$15.6

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製造商: Simon & Schuster UK
出版日期: 2024/05/23
ISBN: 9781398528826

Every page of this book is fascinating, glorious, and profound.This is one of the great frontiers of science for our ageDaniel M. Davis, author of The Beautiful Cure and The Secret Body Professor Max Nieuwdorp has writtena delightfully readable book. . . A deep and fascinating look into a critical aspect of what makes us human and points the way to becoming our better selvesDr. Brian Goldman, host of CBC Radios White Coat, Black Art, author of The Night Shift and The Power of Kindness, and ER doctor From a world-leading hormones specialist, the definitive book on the science of hormones and how understanding the secrets of our body's messengers can revolutionise our health and wellbeing Hormones are the messengers that drive every process in our body. They are essential to how we grow, fight disease and digest food; why we struggle to sleep, lose weight and manage stress and so much more. When our hormones are imbalanced this can wreak havoc on our health, leading to conditions as far reaching as diabetes, infertility and heart disease. They also influence our personalities, how we feel and even the decisions we make. And yet for too long the power of our body's messengers has been overlooked. In this vital and myth-busting book, world-leading hormones expert Dr Max Nieuwdorp transforms our understanding of our bodies. Combining stories from his daily life treating his patients with amazing, cutting-edge new science, he reveals the crucial role that hormones play from our early years through to old age, exploring everything from the effect that smartphones have on our sleep and longevity to how our gut bacteria produce ';happy' hormones. As Nieuwdorp reveals, hormones are central to our moods, our relationships and so much of what makes us who we are. Demystifying the signals of our bodies, he explores how we can rebalance our hormones for happier and healthier lives. This audio includes a pdf.
Max Nieuwdorp 作者作品表

El Poder Desconocido de Las Hormonas / The Power of Hormones (Paperback)

The Power of Hormones: The New Science of How Hormones Impact Every Aspect of Our Health (Paperback)

Hormones: The new science of hormones and how they shape us (Hardcover)

Hormones (Export/Airside) (Paperback)

eBook: Power of Hormones: The new science of how hormones shape every aspect of our lives (DRM EPUB)

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