eBook: Firebrand: Previously published as Queen s Gambit, now a major feature film starring Alicia Vikander and Jude Law (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Elizabeth Fremantle 
分類: Historical fiction ,
London, Greater London  
書城編號: 28081208

售價: $130.00

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製造商: Penguin Books Ltd
出版日期: 2024/06/20
頁數: 432
ISBN: 9781405965866
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For fans of WOLF HALL and the BBC's THE WHITE QUEEN, FIREBRAND (previously published as Queen s Gambit) is now a MAJOR MOTION PICTURE starring Alicia Vikander, Jude Law, Michelle Williams and Sam Riley.Dive into the Fremantle's vivid Tudor England and meet the woman who survived Henry VIII.---My name is Katherine Parr.I m thirty-one years old already twice widowed.I love a man I can t have.I m to wed a man no one would want.He has cast aside two wives and watched another die in childbirth.Two more have had their heads struck from their bodies, on his order.What will become of me as Henry VIII s sixth wife?I will have the king s ear. With that comes power.But power means danger in the Tudor court.Many have fallen. Will I fall too?---PRAISE FOR ELIZABETH FREMANTLE'An unforgettable, moving and important story told with great skill and care' JENNIFER SAINT'Outstanding. A powerful novel about women who are shamed and silenced, and how they learn to survive. A literary knockout' ANNA MAZZOLA, author of The Clockwork Girl'An unforgettable book - visceral and lush and fierce. The last few pages left me gasping. An absolute triumph' EVE CHASE
Elizabeth Fremantle 作者作品表

eBook: Firebrand: Previously published as Queen s Gambit, now a major feature film starring Alicia Vikander and Jude Law (DRM EPUB)

Firebrand: Previously published as Queen’s Gambit, now a major feature film starring Alicia Vikander and Jude Law (Paperback)

El Juego de la Reina / Queen's Gambit (Paperback)

Disobedient: The gripping feminist retelling of a seventeenth century heroine forging her own destiny (Paperback)

Firebrand (Media Tie-In) (Paperback)

eBook: Disobedient: The gripping feminist retelling of a seventeenth century heroine forging her own destiny (DRM EPUB)

Disobedient: The gripping feminist retelling of a seventeenth century heroine forging her own destiny (Paperback)

Disobedient (Hardcover)

Girl in the Glass Tower (Paperback)

Girl in the Glass Tower (Hardcover)

Girl in the Glass Tower (Hardcover)

Watch the Lady (Paperback)

Watch the Lady (Hardcover)

Sisters of Treason (Paperback)

Sisters of Treason: A Novel

Queen's Gambit (Paperback)

Queen's Gambit, 1st Edition

Queen's Gambit (Paperback)

Watch Lady (Paperback)

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