eBook: Got a Revolution!: The Turbulent Flight of Jefferson Airplane (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jeff Tamarkin, Jann Wenner, Paul Kantner 
分類: Rock & Pop music ,
Biography: arts & entertainment ,
Autobiography: arts & entertainment  
書城編號: 28081378

售價: $195.00

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出版日期: 2024/05/07
頁數: 432
ISBN: 9781439117651
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The most successful and influential rock band to emerge from San Francisco during the 1960s, Jefferson Airplane created the sound of a generation. Their smash hits "Somebody to Love" and "White Rabbit" virtually invented the era's signature pulsating psychedelic music and, during one of the most tumultuous times in American history, came to personify the decade's radical counterculture. In this groundbreaking biography of the band, veteran music writer and historian Jeff Tamarkin produces a portrait of the band like none that has come before it. Having worked closely with Jefferson Airplane for more than a decade, Tamarkin had unprecedented access to the band members, their families, friends, lovers, crew members, fellow musicians, cultural luminaries, even the highest-ranking politicians of the time. More than just a definitive history, Got a Revolution! is a rock legend unto itself. Jann Wenner, editor-in-chief and publisher of Rolling Stone, wrote, "The classic [Jefferson] Airplane lineup were both architects and messengers of a psychedelic age, a liberation of mind and body that profoundly changed American art, politics, and spirituality. It was a renaissance that could only have been born in San Francisco, and the Airplane, more than any other band in town, spread the good news nationwide."

Jann Wenner 作者作品表

Like a Rolling Stone: A Memoir (Compact Disc)

Gonzo (Paperback)

Lennon Remembers: The Complete "Rolling Stones" Interviews Since 1970 (New ed) (Hardback)

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