eBook: Shoemakers' Holiday (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Dekker Thomas Dekker, Loxley James Loxley 
系列: Arden Early Modern Drama
分類: Literary studies: general ,
Literary studies: c 1500 to c 1800 ,
Literary studies: plays & playwrights  
書城編號: 28082156

售價: $199.00

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製造商: Bloomsbury Publishing
出版日期: 2024/07/25
頁數: 328
ISBN: 9781474277563
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Thomas Dekker's singular comic drama, The Shoemakers' Holiday moves through the urban landscape of 16th century apprenticeships and artisan production in this tale of thwarted marriages and class division. Simon Eyre and his rags to riches journey to becoming the city's Lord Mayor embroils a host of lively characters who find themselves in the generative setting of the shoemakers' workshop. Whether it be Roland Lacy, who abandons his military duties under the guise of a Dutch shoemaker to stay close to Rose Oatley, his love interest, or Ralph Damport, a journeyman shoemaker, who cannot escape conscription and finds himself separated from his wife Jane with the appearance of an elusive shoe providing the only chance of reunion. Dekker's comedy focuses on the early modern tensions between urban artisans, wealthy merchants and the landed aristocracy. Through these relationships he explores gender, immigration and disability, mixing acute social commentary within the promise of festive escape and transformation. This edition offers readers a clear, accessible, fully annotated text, with a comprehensive introduction that covers research on class, comedy, the figure of the stranger and representations of disability. It also explores the ways in which the play's intertwining preoccupations with love, labour and war are shaped by the city in which it was written, providing insight into urban life at the end of the Tudor era.
Arden Early Modern Drama

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Dekker Thomas Dekker 作者作品表

The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker: Volume 3, The Roaring Girl; If this be Not a Good Play, the Devil is in it; Troia-Nova Triumphans; Match me in Lo

The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker: Volume 2, The Honest Whore Pts 1 and 2; The Magnificent Entertainment Given to King James; Westward Ho; Northward

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