eBook: Verb Second: Grammar Internal and Grammar External Interfaces (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Horst Lohnstein, Antonios Tsiknakis 
系列: Interface Explorations [IE]
分類: linguistics  
書城編號: 28082742

原價: HK$1450.00
現售: HK$1377.5 節省: HK$72.5

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製造商: De Gruyter
出版日期: 2020/03/09
頁數: 459
ISBN: 9781501508141

This book addresses a general phenomenon in the European languages: verb second. The articles provide a comprehensive survey of synchronic vs. diachronic developments in the Germanic and Romance languages.New theoretical insights into the interaction of the properties of verbal mood and syntactic structure building lead to hypotheses about the mutual influence of these systems. The diachronic change in the syntax together with changes in the inflectional system show the interdependence between the syntactic and the inflectional component.The fact that the subjunctive can license verb second in dependent clauses reveals further dependencies between these subsystems of grammar. "Fronting finiteness" furthermore constitutes an instance of a main clause phenomenon. Whether "assertion" or "at-issueness" are encoded through this grammatical process will be a matter in the debates discussed in the book. Moreover, information structure appears to be directly related to the fronting of other constituents in front of the finite verb. Questions concerning the interrelations between these various subcomponents of the grammatical system are investigated.
Interface Explorations [IE]

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Horst Lohnstein 作者作品表

eBook: Formale Semantik und Naturliche Sprache: Einfuhrendes Lehrbuch (DRM PDF)

eBook: Projektion und Linking: Ein prinzipienbasierter Parser furs Deutsche (DRM PDF)

eBook: Formale Semantik und naturliche Sprache (DRM PDF)

Antonios Tsiknakis 作者作品表

eBook: Linke Satzperipherie und [±wh]-Asymmetrie: Zur Interpretation der Finitumvoranstellung und Topikalisierung im Deutschen (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Linke Satzperipherie und [ wh]-Asymmetrie: Zur Interpretation der Finitumvoranstellung und Topikalisierung im Deutschen (DRM PDF)

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