eBook: Social Robots: A Fictional Dualism Model (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Paula Sweeney 
書城編號: 28084111

售價: $455.00

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製造商: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
出版日期: 2023/12/06
ISBN: 9781538185049

Social robots are an increasingly integral part of society, already appearing as customer service assistants, care-home helpers, teaching assistants and personal companions. This book argues that the wider inclusion of social robots in our society is having a revolutionary impact on some of our key intuitions regarding ethics, metaphysics and epistemology and, as such, will put pressure on many of our best theories.Social robots elicit an emotional and social response in humans that some have taken to be evidence that robots deserve moral consideration. Others have argued that, as robots are only machines, we should avoid designing robots that encourage emotional engagement. The fictional dualism model provides a new way for us to view social robots and a new route for our continued relationship with them. When we engage with a social robot, we create a fictional overlay that has wants, needs and desires. Our emotional attachment to social robots is a natural continuation of our relationship to fiction: a life-enhancing and important connection, but not one that prompts moral consideration for the fictional entity. In this book, Paula Sweeney shows how the fictional dualism model of social robots differs from other popular models. In addition to providing a distinctive and ethically appropriate framework for emotional engagement without moral consideration, the model provides conditions for trusting social robots and, uniquely, allows us to individuate social robots as distinct persons, even in contexts in which they share a collective mind.
Paula Sweeney 作者作品表

Social Robots: A Fictional Dualism Model (Hardcover)

eBook: Social Robots: A Fictional Dualism Model (DRM PDF)

eBook: Social Robots: A Fictional Dualism Model (DRM EPUB)

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