eBook: Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Sexual Problems: An Essential Guide for Mental Health Professionals (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Stephen B. Levine 
分類: Psychiatry  
書城編號: 28084840

售價: $403.00

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製造商: American Psychiatric Association Publishing
出版日期: 2019/11/05
頁數: 157
ISBN: 9781615372850
>> 相關實體書

Regardless of specialty or preferred therapeutic approach, most mental health professionals will eventually have to confront their patients' sexual concerns -- whether directly or in the course of addressing other problems. Yet, despite the fact that the importance of sex to mental health has been recognized for over a century, training in the preclinical and clinical years often skims over the topic.With Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Sexual Problems, senior clinical sexuality specialist Dr. Stephen B. Levine offers both mental health trainees and advanced practitioners a comprehensive introduction to this educationally overlooked arena.In tackling issues that include premature ejaculation, anorgasmia, erectile dysfunction, sexual pain, sexual identity, paraphilia, and betrayal, this guide aims to increase its readers' comfort and confidence in assisting patients with their sexual concerns. The author provides a thoughtful discussion of the nature of love -- as an active, evolving process involving psychological intimacy, intense sexual interest, and commitment -- and shows how sexual problems create barriers to loving.With its personal, supervisory tone, this volume also seeks to stimulate readers' professional interest in the topic, providing a useful perspective on patients' stories. Concise, easily digestible chapters make this a valuable primer for professionals from a range of backgrounds, whether psychiatry, psychology, social work, counseling, marriage and family therapy, nursing, or pastoral counseling.
Stephen B. Levine 作者作品表

eBook: Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Sexual Problems: An Essential Guide for Mental Health Professionals (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Sexual Problems: An Essential Guide for Mental Health Professionals (DRM PDF)

eBook: Sexual Life: A Clinician's Guide (DRM PDF)

eBook: Barriers to Loving: A Clinician's Perspective (DRM PDF)

eBook: Barriers to Loving: A Clinician's Perspective (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Demystifying Love: Plain Talk for the Mental Health Professional (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Demystifying Love: Plain Talk for the Mental Health Professional (DRM PDF)

Handbook of Clinical Sexuality for Mental Health Professionals: 2nd Edition

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