eBook: Nose and Three Eyes: A Novel (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Ihsan Abdel Kouddous, Jonathan Smolin, Hanan al-Shaykh 
系列: Hoopoe Fiction
分類: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)  
書城編號: 28086057

原價: HK$247.00
現售: HK$234.65 節省: HK$12.35

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製造商: The American University in Cairo Press
出版日期: 2024/06/04
頁數: 536
ISBN: 9781649033628
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Written by iconic Egyptian novelist Ihsan Abdel Kouddous, this classic of love, desire, and family breakdown smashed through taboos when first published in Arabic and continues to captivate audiences todayIt is 1950s Cairo and 16-year-old Amina is engaged to a much older man. Despite all the excitement of the wedding preparations, Amina is not looking forward to her nuptials. And it is not because of the age gap or because of the fact that she does not love, or even really know, her fianc. No, it is because she is involved with another man.This other man is Dr Hashim Abdel-Latif, and while he is Aminas first love, she is certainly not his. Also many years her senior, Hashim is well-known in polite circles for his adventures with women.A Nose and Three Eyestells the story of Aminas love affair with Hashim, and that of two other young women: Nagwa and Rahhab.A Nose and Three Eyesis a story of female desire and sexual awakening, of love and infatuation, and of exploitation and despair. It quietly critiques the strictures put upon women by conservative social norms and expectations, while a subtle undercurrent of political censure was carefully aimed at the then Nasser regime. As such, it was both deeply controversial and wildly popular when first published in the 1960s. Still a household name, this novel, and its author, have stood the test of time and remain relevant and highly readable today.
Hoopoe Fiction

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Ihsan Abdel Kouddous 作者作品表

A Nose and Three Eyes (Paperback)

A Nose and Three Eyes (Hardcover)

Jonathan Smolin 作者作品表

The Politics of Melodrama: The Cultural and Political Lives of Ihsan Abdel Kouddous and Gamal Abdel Nasser (Hardcover)

The Politics of Melodrama: The Cultural and Political Lives of Ihsan Abdel Kouddous and Gamal Abdel Nasser (Paperback)

eBook: Moroccan Noir: Police, Crime, and Politics in Popular Culture (DRM PDF)

eBook: Moroccan Noir: Police, Crime, and Politics in Popular Culture (DRM EPUB)

Hanan al-Shaykh 作者作品表

Occasional Virgin (Paperback)

eBook: Occasional Virgin (DRM EPUB)

Occasional Virgin (Hardcover)

Occasional Virgin (Hardcover)

One Thousand and One Nights (Paperback)

eBook: Beirut Blues (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Women of Sand and Myrrh (DRM EPUB)

eBook: I Sweep the Sun Off Rooftops (DRM EPUB)

One Thousand and One Nights (Hardcover)

Women of Sand and Myrrh (Paperback)

Locust and the Bird (Paperback)

eBook: Locust and the Bird (DRM EPUB)

Only in London (Paperback)

eBook: Only in London (DRM EPUB)

I Sweep the Sun Off Rooftops (Paperback)

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