The Art of Returnal (Hardcover)
作者: Housemarque 
分類: Electronic, holographic & video art  
書城編號: 28114722

原價: HK$630.00
現售: HK$598.5 節省: HK$31.5

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出版社: Dark Horse Comics
出版日期: 2024/11/05
ISBN: 9781506739588

A hardcover art book chronicling the development of the dark science-fiction time-looping roguelike bullet hell adventure shooter!

When Selene Vassos crash-lands on a mysterious alien planet while in search of a cryptic signal, she's made to face treacherous landscapes, hostile creatures, and a ceaseless time loop that returns her to the moment of her crash each time she would otherwise have died. This oversized volume collects concept art of the volatile biomes and terrifying enemies, as well as insightful commentary from the game's creative team.

Dark Horse Books and Housemarque collaborate to present The Art of Returnal. Journey alongside Selene through a beautiful and dangerous world with art and anecdotes from the developers of the BAFTA-winning game.

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