Sworn To Silence In The Appalachians (Paperback)
作者: Lee Cosper 
書城編號: 28114849

原價: HK$170.00
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出版社: Archway Pub
出版日期: 2024/05/16
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9781665758666
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The hidden truths of my life growing up in the Appalachians with no control over the outcome. Dangerous situations, from going hungry to downright death at the door to escape. Trapped in hard times going to school hungry after being kept up at an all night cock fight, to name a few. Awakening to an explosion in the night, only to see the house was on fire and running for my life not knowing if my siblings were still in the house. Families stuck together to help each other to find a way when there seemed to be none. Many fights between my mom and dad over his gambling habit and an empty refrigerator. The horrific feeling to learn your brother has been charged with murder and your thought is, no way. The amount of difficulty in my childhood left me in a love hate situation. I loved my family, but hated my childhood circumstances.
Lee Cosper 作者作品表

Sworn To Silence In The Appalachians (Paperback)

Sworn To Silence In The Appalachians (Hardcover)

eBook: Sworn To Silence In The Appalachians (DRM EPUB)

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