Eleven Houses (Compact Disc)
作者: Colleen Oakes 
書城編號: 28114890

原價: HK$450.00
現售: HK$427.5 節省: HK$22.5

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出版社: Simon & Schuster Audio
出版日期: 2024/10/22
ISBN: 9781668119556

Midnight Mass meets The Vampire Diaries in this epic romantic tale of a mysterious island and the houses who have stood for centuries to guard against the dreaded nightmare of beings waiting to strike from the ocean's depths.On a forgotten part of Nova Scotia, there lies an island. On that island are Eleven Houses. In those houses sit eleven ancient families. And they are waiting... Mabel is one of the last surviving members of House Beuvry, one of the eleven houses on the haunted island of Weymouth. Her days, like all the other teens on the island, are spent readying her house for The Storm: a once-a-decade event that pummels the island with hurricane-level wind, water, and waves. But that's not all the Storm brings with it--because Weymouth Island is a gate between the world of the living and the dead. When Miles Cabot arrives on Weymouth Island after the death of his mother, he realizes quickly it isn't like other places--and Mabel Beuvry isn't like other teenagers. There's an intense chemistry between Miles and Mabel that both feel, yet neither understand--nor the deadly consequences that will come with it. With the suspicious death of an island elder, a strained dynamic with her younger sister Hali, and the greatest Storm in years edging ever closer, Mabel's life is becoming as chaotic as the weather. One thing becomes clear: if the fortified houses of Weymouth Island can't stand against the dead, then she--and everyone she loves--will pay the price. Fares Well the House That's Ready.
Colleen Oakes 作者作品表

Eleven Houses (Hardcover)

Eleven Houses (Compact Disc)

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