I Need You to Read This (Compact Disc)
作者: Jessa Maxwell 
書城編號: 28114997

原價: HK$400.00
現售: HK$380 節省: HK$20

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出版社: Simon & Schuster Audio
出版日期: 2024/08/13
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9781797178844


The author of the "clever, atmospheric, and creepy" (Andrea Bartz, New York Times bestselling author) The Golden Spoon returns with a sly and addictive new mystery about an advice columnist searching for answers about her predecessor's murder.

Her most important letter might be her last ...

Years ago Alex Marks escaped to New York City for a fresh start. Now, aside from trips to her regular diner for coffee, she keeps to herself, gets her perfectly normal copywriting job done, and doesn't date. Her carefully cultivated world is upended when her childhood hero, Francis Keen, is brutally murdered. Francis was the woman behind the famous advice column, Dear Constance, and her words helped Alex through some of her darkest times.

When Alex sees an advertisement searching for her replacement, she impulsively applies, never expecting to actually get the job. Against all odds, Alex is given the position and quickly proves herself skilled at solving other people's problems. But soon, she begins to receive strange, potentially threatening letters at the office. Francis's murderer was never identified, turning everyone around her into a threat. Including her boss, editor-in-chief Howard Dimitri, who has a habit of staying late at the office and drinking too much.

As Alex is drawn into the details surrounding her predecessor's murder, her own dark secrets begin to rise to the surface and Alex suddenly finds herself trapped in a dangerous and potentially deadly game of cat and mouse that takes her all the way from the power centers of Manhattan to Francis Keen's summer house, where her body was found and where the killer may just be waiting for her.

Jessa Maxwell 作者作品表

I Need You to Read This ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

eBook: I Need You to Read This: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

I Need You to Read This (Compact Disc)

I Need You to Read This (Hardcover)

The Golden Spoon (Paperback)

eBook: Aranykanal (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Golden Spoon (DRM EPUB)

The Golden Spoon (Paperback)

The Golden Spoon (Hardcover)

The Golden Spoon ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

eBook: Golden Spoon: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

The Golden Spoon (Compact Disc)

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