Unwavering: Rejecting Bias, Igniting Change, Celebrating Inclusion (Compact Disc)
作者: Nellie Borrero 
書城編號: 28116851

原價: HK$370.00
現售: HK$351.5 節省: HK$18.5

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出版社: Ascent Audio
出版日期: 2024/03/06
ISBN: 9798874707293

When Nellie Borrero joined Accenture, bigotry and bias went unnoticed and unchecked; it was simply the workplace norm. Now, thirty-five-plus years later, this first-generation Latina shares how she led diversity strategy and developed award-winning inclusion and diversity programs that transformed Accenture into the #1 ranked employer for inclusion, diversity, and equity. In Unwavering, Borrero draws on her experiences with remarkable candor and courage to inspire you to think bigger, know your value, and show up with it everywhere, every day. She reveals how to remove barriers and claim space not just for yourself but for others as well. You'll become aware of biases that negatively impact professionals of color; recognizing that belonging and uniqueness don't have to be at odds; standing up and standing out: taking your career from the margins to center stage; what to do when mentoring fails--and the power of embracing and accepting help; staying true to yourself when your values collide with reality; and showing up strategically, intentionally asserting yourself, and competing. A manifesto for understanding and action, Unwavering provides a proven framework for how to create transformational relationships that make diversity and inclusion an integral part of your success and your company's competitive advantage.
Nellie Borrero 作者作品表

Unwavering: Rejecting Bias, Igniting Change, Celebrating Inclusion (Compact Disc)

Unwavering: Rejecting Bias, Igniting Change, Celebrating Inclusion (MP3 CD)

Seen, Heard, and Valued: Courageously Remove Barriers at Work and Unapologetically Claim Your Space (Hardcover)

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