The Surface of Water (MP3 CD)
作者: Cynthia Beach 
書城編號: 28117124

原價: HK$460.00
現售: HK$437 節省: HK$23

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出版社: Christian Audio
出版日期: 2024/04/09
ISBN: 9798874759476

The only person who can uncover his secret has arrived. Matthew Goodman is tired, and his one wish is for something he can't have. Instead he focuses on the demands of his work as pastor of Chicagoland's Calvary Community, including bringing a new administrative assistant onboard. New hire twenty-five-year-old Trish Card watches him with somber, lake-clear eyes. What he doesn't know about Trish and her real reason for appearing will dismantle his world. The Surface of Water is about a megachurch pastor, a famous evangelist's son, living in a world beyond his control. It's also a story about a young woman trying to understand her complicated life. In the #ChurchToo era, this novel invites listeners to see life's shadowed edges--isolation, power, and abuse--illumined by the light of truth.
Cynthia Beach 作者作品表

eBook: Surface of Water (DRM EPUB)

The Surface of Water (MP3 CD)

The Surface of Water (Compact Disc)

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