Talon the Black (Paperback)
作者: Melissa Mitchell 
書城編號: 28120180

售價: $240.00

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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2024/10/01
重量: 0.68 kg
ISBN: 9798218389765


When a wounded dragon falls from the sky, Claire Evans runs into a cornfield to rescue it. This isn't just any dragon, he's a shifter, one of six royal protectors, and helping him has consequences. Claire finds herself traipsing--or rather, flying--across the kingdom of Dragonwall. She must face Dragonwall's king.

King Talon is not like those before him. Troubled and temperamental, he is scarred by more than the events that shaped him. Worst of all, he is mateless. With no queen and no heir, his subjects are demanding he abandon tradition and marry into nobility. There is a rising threat at his borders and whispers of a sorcerer. Soon, he will have greater problems than that of finding a wife.

Modern meets medieval in this seven-book series filled with magical creatures and adventure. This epic fantasy is a slow burn romance that follows multiple POVs, woven together around Claire, a small town Indiana gal. If you've ever wondered what it might be like to get sucked into a fantastical world beyond our own, look no further!

Melissa Mitchell 作者作品表

Reyr the Gold (Paperback)

Reyr the Gold (Hardcover)

Talon the Black (Paperback)

Talon the Black (Hardcover)

The Rescue Life (Paperback)

Witch's Ruin (Paperback)

BLACK LOVE NOTES to Self (Paperback)

BLACK LOVE NOTES to Self (Hardcover)

Wielder's Prize (Paperback)

Wielder's Bond (Paperback)

Wielder's Might (Paperback)

Diabetic Soup and Stew Cookbook: 50 Easy and Healthy Diabetic Recipes for the Newly Diagnosed to Manage Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes (Paperback)

Diabetic Smoothie, Soup, Dip, Dressing Cookbook: 60 Easy and Healthy Diabetic Recipes for the Newly Diagnosed to Manage Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabete

Diabetic Side Dishes Cookbook: 40 Easy and Healthy Diabetic Recipes for the Newly Diagnosed to Manage Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes (Paperback)

Diabetic Beef, Pork, and Lamb Cookbook: 60 Easy and Healthy Diabetic Recipes for the Newly Diagnosed to Manage Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes (Paperb

Diabetic Fish and Seafood Cookbook: 50 Easy and Healthy Diabetic Recipes for the Newly Diagnosed to Manage Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes (Paperback)

Diabetic Breakfast Cookbook: 50 Easy and Healthy Diabetic Recipes for the Newly Diagnosed to Manage Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes (Paperback)

Diabetic Air Fryer Cookbook: 40 Easy and Healthy Diabetic Recipes for the Newly Diagnosed to Manage Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes (Paperback)

eBook: Unreached Duchy (DRM EPUB)

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