Spy Sinker (MP3 CD)
作者: Len Deighton 
書城編號: 28120963

原價: HK$460.00
現售: HK$437 節省: HK$23

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出版社: Highbridge Audio
出版日期: 2024/07/02
ISBN: 9798874694067

What kind of woman would leave her husband, her children, and her home to live behind the Iron Curtain and work for the KGB? From the brilliant Oxford graduate who understands the espionage game better than her male colleagues, to the beguiling woman who uses her charm and brains to deceive everyone around her, Fiona Samson presents a complex puzzle. She is by no means alone. Characters we have come to know so well from previous books are not so straightforward either. Bret Rensselaer faces the breakup of his marriage and harbors a secret infatuation for Fiona. Werner Volkmann, Bernard Samson's most trusted friend, also has skeletons in his cupboard. And Bernard himself is not exactly the paragon his own accounts would have us believe. Spy Sinker marks the stunning end to Deighton's magnificent international espionage saga. Viewed from a new perspective, it charts the costs in human terms of swimming with or against the great spy tide.
Len Deighton 作者作品表

An Expensive Place to Die (Paperback)

Yesterday's Spy (Paperback)

Billion-Dollar Brain (Paperback)

Horse Under Water (Paperback)

Spy Story (Paperback)

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Spy (Paperback)

Charity (Paperback)

Faith (Paperback)

Hope (Paperback)

Horse Under Water (MP3 CD)

Horse Under Water (Compact Disc)

Charity (Compact Disc)

Charity (MP3 CD)

Spy Line (MP3 CD)

Spy Line (Compact Disc)

Spy Hook (MP3 CD)

Spy Hook (Compact Disc)

Spy Sinker (Compact Disc)

Spy Sinker (MP3 CD)

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