Final Appeal (Compact Disc)
作者: Remigiusz Mróz 
書城編號: 28121765

原價: HK$500.00
現售: HK$475 節省: HK$25

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出版社: Dreamscape Media
出版日期: 2024/02/06
ISBN: 9798874738716


A charismatic defense lawyer faces a horrific case where nothing is as it seems, in this international bestselling thriller perfect for fans of Steve Cavanaugh and John Grisham. Now streaming on Amazon Prime Video and PBS as The Defence.

When whip-smart criminal defense lawyer Joanna Chylka is tasked with defending the son of her law firm's biggest client, she is stumped for the first time in her career. Her client, Piotr Langer Jr, does not admit guilt, but neither does he claim innocence.

Assisted by the firm's newest trainee, Kordian Orynski, Joanna finds herself in a maze of tangled evidence. Piotr is alleged to have sat in his apartment for ten days with two corpses before calmly opening the door to the police as if nothing had happened. But the truth is far more complex and shocking than they could have imagined.

Joanna and Kordian face a treacherous situation. And with the spotlight on them, a killer may have them both on his hit list.

Remigiusz Mróz 作者作品表

The Disappearance: The no.1 international bestselling crime thriller - now a hit TV series (Paperback)

Final Appeal (Compact Disc)

Final Appeal (MP3 CD)

Final Appeal (Hardcover)

Final Appeal (Paperback)

eBook: Final Appeal: The international bestselling thriller sensation (DRM EPUB)

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