Returnal: Fallen Asteria (Paperback)
作者: Gregory Louden 
分類: Graphic novels  
書城編號: 28125383

原價: HK$200.00
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出版社: Dark Horse Comics
出版日期: 2024/11/05
ISBN: 9781506742373

After the spaceship Helios crashes onto a hostile alien world, Selene Vassos, a lone ASTRA scout, must fight for her life against the horrific hostiles that live beyond every shadow.

Following a trail of distorted memories, Selene just needs to hold on long enough to track down the White Shadow signal. Mystery shrouds the world of Atropos, and she begins to wonder: will she find answers at the end of her journey, or is this nightmare inescapable?

Created by the Housemarque brand team with Gregory Louden, Khalil Osaimi, and Mikael Haveri from the narrative team of the game Returnal and featuring the stunning art of Igor Lomov and Aaron J

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