Time to Shine (MP3 CD)
作者: Rachel Reid 
書城編號: 28127065

原價: HK$420.00
現售: HK$399 節省: HK$21

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出版社: Carina Adores
出版日期: 2023/09/26
ISBN: 9798212721523

"Rachel Reid's hockey heroes are sexy, hot, and passionate!" --#1 New York Times bestselling author Lauren Blakely From the USA TODAY bestselling author of the Game Changers series comes a merry and bright hockey romance about finding your place, finding your people and finding your way back to the one you love the most. For Landon Stackhouse, being called up from the Calgary farm team is exciting and terrifying, even if, as the backup goalie, he rarely leaves the bench. A quiet loner by nature, Landon knows he gives off strong "don't talk to me" vibes. The only player who doesn't seem to notice is Calgary's superstar young winger, Casey Hicks. Casey treats Landon like an old friend, even though they've only interacted briefly in the past. He's endlessly charming and completely laid-back in a way that Landon absolutely can't relate to. They couldn't have less in common, but Landon needs a place to live that's not a hotel room and Casey has just bought a massive house--and hates being alone. As roommates, Casey refuses to be defeated by Landon's one-word answers. As friends, Landon comes to notice a few things about Casey, like his wide, easy smile and sparkling green-blue eyes. Spending the holidays together only intensifies their bromance-turned-romance. But as the new year approaches, the countdown to the end of Landon's time in Calgary is on.
Rachel Reid 作者作品表

The Shots You Take (Original) (Paperback)

The Long Game (First Time Trad) (Paperback)

Heated Rivalry (First Time Trad) (Paperback)

Game Changer (First Time Trad) (Paperback)

Role Model (First Time Trad) (Paperback)

Common Goal (First Time Trad) (Paperback)

Tough Guy (First Time Trad) (Paperback)

Time to Shine (MP3 CD)

Time to Shine (Compact Disc)

Time to Shine (Original) (Paperback)

Heated Rivalry (Original) (Mass Market Paperbound)

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