A Hole in One (Paperback)
作者: Paul Jackson 
書城編號: 28127413

售價: $129.00

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出版社: Independently Published
出版日期: 2024/05/14
重量: 0.42 kg
ISBN: 9798324201036


On returning from the cruise around the Mediterranean where DCI Andy Bardsley's partner Jane Peters, AKA Cindy Lou, a world-renowned Country and Western singer, was hosting the European Country Music Awards onboard a luxury cruise ship. Andy was thrown in at the deep end when several rough sleepers turned up dead all with the same MO. They die with a hypodermic needle holding Carfentanil and Heroin hanging out of their neck. While walking through Piccadilly Gardens Andy thought he recognized a face from the past.

Allegedly agent to the Stars Mr Ray Dickie, who had been killed in Prison the previous year, had left a large amount of money in a bank account, and a lot of people were out to find it. But first, they had to find it!

With all this going Andy's team at the City Police Station have to deal with the loss of DI Beryl Power.

A wanna-be Bad Guy Dave Southerland, moved his Stash House to a Garden Center out in the sticks, not realising who his neighbours were. Unfortunately, he didn't keep his eye on the ball and fell at the Fifteenth Hole.

Paul Jackson 作者作品表

How to Think and Design in the Third Dimension (Paperback)

eBook: How to Think and Design in the Third Dimension (DRM EPUB)

Amite County (Paperback)

Amite County (Hardcover)

A Hole in One (Paperback)

St. Anthony Novena: Nine days devotional prayers (Paperback)

Swamp defender: A heart touching novel (Paperback)

St Philip Neri Novena: Nine days devotional prayers (Paperback)

Twenty years later: A murder (Paperback)

A thriller: 20 years later murder (Paperback)

Creative Packaging: One-Piece Packaging Solutions (Paperback)

eBook: Folding Techniques for Designers Second Edition (DRM EPUB)

102 Models of Procurement and Supply Chain Management (Revised ed) (Paperback)

eBook: the little book of smart (DRM EPUB)

Cut and Fold Techniques for Promotional Materials: Revised e (Paperback)

Conflict, Security and Development (Paperback)

How to Make Repeat Patterns (Paperback)

eBook: Cut and Fold Paper Textures (DRM PDF)

Handbook of International Security and Development (Paperback)

Best Ever Book of Paper Fun & Amazing Origami (Hardcover)

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