Cage the Lie (Hardcover)
作者: David Myers 
書城編號: 28128276

原價: HK$260.00
現售: HK$247 節省: HK$13

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出版社: Dorrance Pub Co Inc
出版日期: 2024/03/14
重量: 0.26 kg
ISBN: 9798892114752


Delve into the hectic and exciting life of a policewoman who is combating crime in her city on a daily basis. She is pressed to the limits with a dastardly criminal who could ultimately take her life and the lives of the officers she supervises. When a private detective gets involved, will Serena be able to match wits with him.

And whose side is he on? Will she come out the winner or will she fail miserably?

Watch her fall in love with two men and struggle to choose only one. Will she win him over or lose both of them? And what about the chief of police? Will he side with Serena or will his anger move him in another direction. This is a story of love and crime, of loss and gain, of right and wrong, of hopes and dreams. Author David Myers brings these characters to life as the reader is taken through a maze of twists and turns.

About the Author

David Myers graduated from college at the age of 41 after a twenty-year career in law enforcement. He then taught high school English for a number of years. He especially enjoyed analyzing literature. His hobbies include hunting, fishing, and walking in the forest. He has two children and three adorable granddaughters. Writing allows him to do something he loves and not feel like he is working.

David Myers 作者作品表

Loose-Leaf Version for Exploring Psychology (0013) (Loose Leaf)

Cage the Lie (Paperback)

Cage the Lie (Hardcover)

You Can't Say a Thing (Paperback)

eBook: ISE eBook Online Access for Exploring Social Psychology (DRM EPUB)

eBook: ISE eBook Online Access for Exploring Social Psychology (DRM PDF)

eBook: Games are not: The difficult and definitive guide to what video games are (DRM PDF)

eBook: "Poor Sinning Folk": Confession and Conscience in Counter-Reformation Germany (DRM PDF)

Exploring Psychology in Modules (Paperback)


Psychology (12nd ed. 2018) (Hardcover)

Psychology in Modules (Paperback)

eBook: Games are not: The difficult and definitive guide to what video games are (DRM EPUB)

Games are Not (Paperback)

Social Psychology (Paperback)

Social Psychology (Paperback)

Social Psychology (Paperback)

Social Psychology (Hardcover)

History of Horseracing (New ed) (Paperback)

New Soviet Thinking (Hardcover)

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