Rules: A Short History of What We Live by (MP3 CD)
作者: Lorraine Daston 
書城編號: 28129406

原價: HK$420.00
現售: HK$399 節省: HK$21

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出版社: Tantor Audio
出版日期: 2022/12/20
ISBN: 9798212395014

Rules order almost every aspect of our lives. They set our work hours, dictate how we drive and set the table, tell us whether to offer an extended hand or cheek in greeting, and organize the rites of life, from birth through death. We may chafe under the rules we have, and yearn for ones we don't, yet no culture could do without them. In Rules, historian Lorraine Daston traces their development in the Western tradition and shows how rules have evolved from ancient to modern times. Drawing on a rich trove of examples, including legal treatises, cookbooks, military manuals, traffic regulations, and game handbooks, Daston demonstrates that while the content of rules is dazzlingly diverse, the forms that they take are surprisingly few and long-lived. Daston uncovers three enduring kinds of rules: the algorithms that calculate and measure, the laws that govern, and the models that teach. She illustrates how rules can change--how supple rules stiffen, or vice versa, and how once bothersome regulations become everyday norms. Rules have been devised for almost every imaginable activity and range from meticulous regulations to the laws of nature. Daston probes beneath this variety to investigate when rules work and when they don't, and why some philosophical problems about rules are as ancient as philosophy itself while others are as modern as calculating machines.
Lorraine Daston 作者作品表

eBook: Rivals: How Scientists Learned to Cooperate (DRM PDF)

eBook: Rivals: How Scientists Learned to Cooperate (DRM EPUB)

Rivals: How Scientists Learned to Cooperate (Paperback)

eBook: Classical Probability in the Enlightenment, New Edition (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Classical Probability in the Enlightenment, New Edition (DRM PDF)

Rules: A Short History of What We Live by (MP3 CD)

Rules: A Short History of What We Live by (Compact Disc)

eBook: Rules: A Short History of What We Live By (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Rules: A Short History of What We Live By (DRM PDF)

eBook: Classical Probability in the Enlightenment (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Classical Probability in the Enlightenment (DRM PDF)

eBook: Contra la naturaleza (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Against Nature (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Against Nature (DRM PDF)

Science in the Archives (Paperback)

Things That Talk (Hardcover)

Classical Probability in the Enlightenment (Paperback)

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