Reset Your Life: Make a New Start (Compact Disc)
作者: Joseph W. Walker 
書城編號: 28129861

原價: HK$320.00
現售: HK$304 節省: HK$16

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出版社: Harpercollins Christian
出版日期: 2023/02/14
ISBN: 9798212684620


Do you need to make a new start? Sometimes we feel as if we need to start over, to allow God to do a "hard reset" of our lives. It is possible to return to God and reclaim your relationship with Him. In Reset Your Life: Make a New Start, Joseph W. Walker III uses eight "R's" (Reset, Return, Review and Recalculate, Reclaim, Redirect, Reinvigorate and Revive, Reinvest, and Reinvent) to teach how you can have a new beginning through faith in God.

Reflection questions are included in the audiobook companion PDF download.

Joseph W. Walker 作者作品表

GENiUS: Who, What, When, Where, How, Why, & Why Not of Genius Phenomenon (Paperback)

Reset Your Life: Make a New Start (Compact Disc)

Reset Your Life: Make a New Start (MP3 CD)

eBook: Restored at the Root (DRM EPUB)

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