Daily Guideposts: 40 Devotions for Lent (MP3 CD)
作者: Guideposts 
書城編號: 28129866

原價: HK$420.00
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出版社: Harpercollins Christian
出版日期: 2023/02/14
ISBN: 9798212684712


Experience the love of Christ in a new light this Lenten season and renew your heart for the resurrection with the help of America's favorite devotional, Daily Guideposts.

In just five minutes each day, these devotions will invite you to enjoy a timeless Bible verse, a personal story, and a prayer to help you apply the day's message as you prepare your heart for Easter. For the six weeks of Lent, you will take a closer look at Jesus's life, death, burial, and resurrection, learning valuable lessons about:

The gift of new lifeTruly letting goLooking for signs of hope

Come with Karen Barber as she learns about the days leading up to Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection. Instead of giving something up, learn a new spiritual practice with Erin MacPherson, who observes Lent by giving something away. With Eric Fellman, meet biblical men and women--believers and seekers just like us--who were touched and changed by Jesus. Travel with Roberta Rogers as she follows Jesus through the streets of first-century Jerusalem in search of faith and hope for our lives today.

Join the community of over a million Daily Guideposts readers on this remarkable and deeply personal spiritual journey, allowing you to grow closer to God and hold on to hope, never losing sight of the spring that is coming.

Guideposts 作者作品表

Faith Over Fear: 100 Devotions to Rest in the Shadow of His Wings (Hardcover)

eBook: Faith over Fear: 100 Devotions to Rest in the Shadow of His Wings (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Faith over Fear: 100 Devotions to Rest in the Shadow of His Wings (DRM PDF)

Walking with Jesus: Devotions for Lent & Easter 2024 (Paperback)

Walking in Grace 2024 (Hardcover)

Mornings With Jesus 2024: Daily Encouragement for Your Soul (Paperback)

Daily Guideposts: 40 Devotions for Lent (MP3 CD)

Daily Guideposts: 40 Devotions for Lent (Compact Disc)

Held in Perfect Peace: 100 Devotions to Calm Your Heart (Hardcover)

eBook: Held in Perfect Peace: 100 Devotions to Calm Your Heart (DRM PDF)

eBook: Held in Perfect Peace: 100 Devotions to Calm Your Heart (DRM EPUB)

Held in Perfect Peace: 100 Devotions to Calm Your Heart (Compact Disc)

Held in Perfect Peace: 100 Devotions to Calm Your Heart (MP3 CD)

eBook: Mornings with Jesus 2022: Daily Encouragement for Your Soul (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Mornings with Jesus 2022: Daily Encouragement for Your Soul (DRM PDF)

eBook: Daily Guideposts 2022: A Spirit-Lifting Devotional (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Daily Guideposts 2022: A Spirit-Lifting Devotional (DRM PDF)

eBook: Mornings with Jesus 2021: Daily Encouragement for Your Soul (DRM PDF)

eBook: Daily Guideposts 2021: A Spirit-Lifting Devotional (DRM PDF)

eBook: Mornings with Jesus 2021: Daily Encouragement for Your Soul (DRM EPUB)

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