How to Live in Fear: Mastering the Art of Freaking Out (Compact Disc)
作者: Lance Hahn 
書城編號: 28129914

原價: HK$370.00
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出版社: Harpercollins Christian
出版日期: 2023/03/14
ISBN: 9798212687140


Find freedom in an age of anxiety.

Let's face it: we are afraid. Our world is riddled with fear-inducing headlines, financial meltdowns, family crises, and phobias of every stripe. No wonder the New York Times now reports one in ten Americans is now taking antidepressant or anxiety medication. So how do we cope or even succeed in a world spinning out of control? As someone who has battled panic attacks and anxiety most of his life, Lance Hahn can relate.

In How to Live in Fear, Lance tackles the pervasive problem of fear and panic head-on by inviting readers into his world. In this genuine and practical book, he invites readers into the life of a pastor living with anxiety disorder. Through humorous personal stories--like losing it on an airplane or collapsing onstage as he is about to preach--Lance will win over readers with his transparency. He will also share the remedies that have helped him recover and overcome throughout the years.

How to Live in Fear is a public intervention of sorts. We need to talk about this issue, especially the church-at-large. Millions of people suffer from anxiety disorders, and the church has done little to make them feel normal. Many Christians now take medication privately but keep it a secret under the shame of being viewed as a failure. Lance willingly bares his soul in order to get the conversation started. He firmly believes the church should not only recognize the issue, but also help believers reconcile the guilt of being a Christian while dealing with dread and anxiety

Filled with practical tips and advice, and full of relevant scriptures, How to Live in Fear gives readers the tools to relax in the face of fear--real or imagined. Lance will show readers that while he may still encounter bouts of panic, he has never let his disorder stop him from living a full life.

A scripture reference list is included in the audiobook companion PDF download.

Lance Hahn 作者作品表

How to Live in Fear: Mastering the Art of Freaking Out (Compact Disc)

How to Live in Fear: Mastering the Art of Freaking Out (MP3 CD)

eBook: Master's Mind: The Art of Reshaping Your Thoughts (DRM PDF)

eBook: Master's Mind: The Art of Reshaping Your Thoughts (DRM EPUB)

How to Live in Fear (Paperback)

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