Resolving the Tension of Jesus's Mission in Matthew's Ancient Biography (Hardcover)
作者: Dr. Jerry D. Breen 
系列: The Library of New Testament Studies
分類: New Testaments ,
Biblical studies & exegesis ,
Ancient / Biblical Israel  
書城編號: 28149332

售價: $1190.00

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出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
出版日期: 2024/11/14 (快將出版)
頁數: 256
尺寸: 234 x 156 mm
ISBN: 9780567715012


Jerry D. Breen argues that reading Matthew, and all the Gospels, as ancient biography is the necessary next step for Gospel studies. In particular, Breen contends that more specific comparisons should be made between the Gospels and ancient literature. Breen stresses that this reading invites narrative critics to place more emphasis on examining the use of sources and the importance of intertextual and historical information that the author introduces to the text.

Breen places emphasis on the relationship between Jews and non-Jews in ancient Galilee and Palestine, and challenges the long-supported theory that Jesus did not minister to non-Jews beyond two or three exceptions. Demonstrating that Jesus is inclusive of everyone who comes to him, even though he was sent primarily to the Jews. Breen argues that the portrait which Matthew creates is one of a Jewish Messiah who is on a mission to restore Israel so that the restored people of God can bless the nations. Concluding that rather than two conflicting missions, the audience of the gospel is encouraged to view the healing of non-Jews during Jesus's ministry as further proof that the Jewish Messiah is bringing restoration to Israel.

The Library of New Testament Studies

The Theme of Promise in the Epistle to the Hebrews: A Promise Remains (Hardcover)

Animals in the New Testament: Perspectives from Animal Studies and Ancient Contexts (Hardcover)

Priesthood and Temple in John’s Apocalypse: Constructing the Sanctuary (Hardcover)

Paul, the Temple, and Building a Metaphor (Hardcover)

Resolving the Tension of Jesus's Mission in Matthew's Ancient Biography (Hardcover)

Reading Hebrews and 1 Peter from Majority World Perspectives (Hardcover)

Luke’s Characters in their Jewish World: Being Theophilus (Hardcover)

eBook: Locating the Kingdom of God: Performing Sacred Boundaries (DRM PDF)

eBook: Locating the Kingdom of God: Performing Sacred Boundaries (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Luke s Characters in their Jewish World: Being Theophilus (DRM PDF)

eBook: Luke s Characters in their Jewish World: Being Theophilus (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Spatiotemporal Eschatology of Hebrews: Priestly Participation in the Heavenly Tabernacle (DRM EPUB)

The Spatiotemporal Eschatology of Hebrews: Priestly Participation in the Heavenly Tabernacle (Hardcover)

The Importance of Outsiders to Pauline Communities: Opinion, Reputation and Mission (Hardcover)

eBook: Spatiotemporal Eschatology of Hebrews: Priestly Participation in the Heavenly Tabernacle (DRM PDF)

eBook: Importance of Outsiders to Pauline Communities: Opinion, Reputation and Mission (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Keir Hardie, the Bible, and Christian Socialism: The Miner's Prophet (DRM PDF)

eBook: Keir Hardie, the Bible, and Christian Socialism: The Miner's Prophet (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Importance of Outsiders to Pauline Communities: Opinion, Reputation and Mission (DRM PDF)

eBook: Fan Fiction and Early Christian Writings: Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha and Canon (DRM PDF)

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