North Pole (Hardcover)
作者: Erling Kagge 
書城編號: 28149827

原價: HK$320.00
現售: HK$304 節省: HK$16

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出版社: Harper One
出版日期: 2025/02/11 (快將出版)
重量: 0.64 kg
ISBN: 9780063421783


The Norwegian explorer, philosopher and acclaimed writer chronicles his historic 58-day journey to the North Pole on skis in this thought-provoking memoir that is also a profound meditation about nature and our place within it.

The North Pole looms large in our collective psyche--the ultimate Otherland in a world mapped and traversed. It is the center of our planet's rotation, one of the places that is most vulnerable in an epoch of global climate change. Its sub-zero temperatures and strange year of one sunset and one sunrise make it an eerie, utterly disorienting place that challenges human endurance and understanding.

Erling Kagge and his friend B rge Ousland became the first people "to ever reach the pole without dogs, without depots and without motorized aids," skiing for 58 days from a drop off point on the ice edge of Canada's northernmost island.

In magisterial prose, Erling narrates his epic, record-making journey, probing the physical challenges and psychological motivations for embarking on such an epic expedition, the history of the territory's exploration, its place in legend and art, and the thrilling adventures he experienced during the trek. It is another example of what bestselling author Robert MacFarlane has called "Kagge's extraordinary life in wild places,"

Erling offers surprises on every page while observing the key role that this place holds in our current climate and geopolitical conversations. As majestic, mesmerizing, and monumental as the terrain it captures, After the North Pole is for anyone who has gazed out at the horizon--and wondered what happens if you keep going.

After the North Pole is illustrated with 12-14 photographs.

Translated from the Norwegian by Kari Dickson.

Erling Kagge 作者作品表

The North Pole: The History of an Obsession (Hardcover)

North Pole (Hardcover)

eBook: Philosophy of an Explorer: 16 Life-lessons from Surviving the Extreme (DRM EPUB)

The Philosophy of an Explorer: 16 Life-lessons from Surviving the Extreme (Paperback)

eBook: Philosophy for Polar Explorers (DRM EPUB)

Walking (Paperback)

Philosophy for Polar Explorers: An Adventurer's Guide to Surviving Winter (Hardcover)

eBook: Philosophy for Polar Explorers: An Adventurer s Guide to Surviving Winter (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Liniste intr-o epoca a zgomotului (DRM EPUB)

Walking (Hardcover)

Silence (Paperback)

Silence (Hardcover)

Under Manhattan (Paperback)

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