Maui Revealed (0012All New 12th Ed) (Paperback)
作者: Andrew Doughty 
書城編號: 28150178

原價: HK$220.00
現售: HK$209 節省: HK$11

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出版社: Wizard Pubn
出版日期: 2024/09/15
重量: 0.59 kg
ISBN: 9781949678222

The finest guidebook ever written for Maui. Now you can plan your best vacation--ever. This all new 12th edition is a candid, humorous guide to everything there is to see and do on the island. Best-selling author and longtime Hawai'i resident, Andrew Doughty, unlocks the secrets of an island so lush and diverse that many visitors never realize all that it has to offer. Explore with him as he reveals breathtaking trails, secluded beaches, pristine reefs, delicious places to eat, colorful craters, hidden waterfalls and so much more. Every restaurant, activity provider, business and resort is reviewed personally and anonymously. This book and a rental car are all you need to discover what makes Maui so exciting.
Andrew Doughty 作者作品表

Maui Revealed (0012All New 12th Ed) (Paperback)

Oahu Revealed (0008All New 8th Edi) (Paperback)

Maui Revealed: The Ultimate Guidebook (0011All New 11th Ed) (Paperback)

The Ultimate Kauai Guidebook: Kauai Revealed (New 13th) (Paperback)

Maui Revealed: The Ultimate Guidebook (Revised) (paperback)

The Ultimate Kauai Guidebook: Kauai Revealed (Revised) (paperback)

Hawaii the Big Island Revealed (Paperback)

Maui Revealed: The Ultimate Guidebook (paperback)

The Ultimate Kauai Guidebook: Kauai Revealed (paperback)

Hawaii the Big Island Revealed: The Ultimate Guidebook (paperback)

Maui Revealed: The Ultimate Guidebook (paperback)

Oahu Revealed: The Ultimate Guide to Honolulu, Waikiki & Beyond (paperback)

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