eBook: On Shipstern Bluff: A Jack Martin Mystery (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: John Tully 
書城編號: 28161141

售價: $169.00

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製造商: Distributed By Ingram Spark
出版日期: 2021/09/14
頁數: 244
ISBN: 9780645204513

A quiet city on the edge of the world ... until an international trafficking ring starts moving in.Summer 1996. Detective Inspector Jack Martin is coming to terms with the ghosts of the past, and life is looking up. But when a boy falls from the sky onto Tasmania's remote Shipstern Bluff, he senses new, dark forces at work ... An attacker stalks Hobart's darkening streets. A girl's desperate phone call tells of children in danger. From the forgotten corners of the city's working-class suburbs, to the select enclaves of the rich and powerful, Jack and his team must work against the clock to stop a murderous organised crime ring getting its hooks into Hobart. Soon Jack's own life is at risk, as well as the lives of innocent children. A gripping, intelligently written mystery that immerses the reader in the characters and places of southern Tasmania.
John Tully 作者作品表

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