eBook: Reframing the Black Atlantic: African, Diasporic, Queer and Feminist Perspectives (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Aretha Phiri 
分類: Literary theory ,
Colonialism & imperialism ,
Popular culture ,
Feminism & feminist theory ,
Ethnic studies ,
Black & Asian studies ,
書城編號: 28168467

售價: $650.00

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製造商: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2024/08/09
頁數: 174
ISBN: 9781040104248
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Commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of Paul Gilroy's seminal text, The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness, this book offers fresh interpretations of established black Atlantic scholarship from the perspective of those typically elided from its ideological purview and existential narrative. The application of queer and/or feminist lenses in each essay attempts to mediate these elisions and to advance potentially transformative, democratising readings of the black Atlantic from both complex and complicating African and diasporic viewpoints. With the aim of realigning black Atlantic scholarship in this way, the edited volume proposes an interventionist approach that is concerned with problematizing ethnic/ cultural universalisms and challenging geographic and gendered hierarchizations. Underlining the importance of aesthetic and creative cultural archives, Reframing the Black Atlantic's focus on transnational African diasporic literature and other intersecting popular cultural forms probes the (imaginative) limits and possibilities of the black Atlantic, conventionally conceived. To this end, this book intends not just to complicate and enhance established views of black Africa; inviting the reader to locate and perceive black life lived otherwise, it points towards more inclusive and expansive global understandings and visions of blackness. This volume will be of particular use to researchers and students in the fields of race/gender, diaspora/transnational, literary and cultural studies. The chapters of this book were originally published in Cultural Studies.
Aretha Phiri 作者作品表

eBook: Reframing the Black Atlantic: African, Diasporic, Queer and Feminist Perspectives (DRM PDF)

eBook: Reframing the Black Atlantic: African, Diasporic, Queer and Feminist Perspectives (DRM EPUB)

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