eBook: Euston - A history and modelling the 1875 station (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Ashwood David Ashwood 
分類: Architecture ,
British & Irish history ,
Antiques & collectables: toys, games & models ,
Trains & railways: general interest ,
United Kingdom, Great Britain ,
London, Greater London  
書城編號: 28175934

原價: HK$130.00
現售: HK$123.5 節省: HK$6.5

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製造商: Pen and Sword
出版日期: 2024/08/30
頁數: 120
ISBN: 9781399081726
>> 相關實體書

Euston Station was the first intercity railway gateway for London and with the famed Doric Arch became a major landmark of that city. Initially built for the London and Birmingham Railway, it became the terminus of the LNWR Premier Line, then HQ of the London Midland and Scottish. The controversial 1960’s demolition of the site stimulated the building preservation movement. Latterly we have a challenging on / off love affair with the area through the High Speed Two project. This book contains both a background history of Euston and its environs, combined with a modellers review of building a ‘OO’ gauge mid Victorian station complex. A core model of the old station was kindly donated to the Market Deeping Model Railway Club (MDMRC) following the sad act of vandalism of their model railway show in 2019. This in turn served as a stimulus to expand, detail and research during the Covid isolation and lockdown years. This book is the end result of these endeavours. We use the model to underpin the history and allow a geographical walkthrough of the site, plus hints, tips and techniques on building a landmark model. It has been an enjoyable and eye opening challenge to unveil the story under, through and over Euston. Written and contributed to by members of the MDMRC, all royalties will go the club. Charity number: 1187779.
Ashwood David Ashwood 作者作品表

eBook: Euston - A history and modelling the 1875 station (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Euston - A history and modelling the 1875 station (DRM PDF)

eBook: Model Building and Super Detailing: Detailing Techniques Including 3D Printing (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Model Building and Super Detailing: Detailing Techniques Including 3D Printing (DRM PDF)

eBook: Constructing Buildings for Model Railways (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Constructing Buildings for Model Railways (DRM PDF)

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