eBook: Four Corners: Timeless Lands of the Southwest (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Kathleen Bryant 
分類: Photography & photographs ,
Photographs: collections ,
History of the Americas ,
Social & cultural history ,
Indigenous peoples ,
Western & Pacific Coast states  
書城編號: 28177179

售價: $195.00

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製造商: Globe Pequot
出版日期: 2026/02/01 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9781493077472
>> 相關實體書

Beginning where Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah meet, this visual journey spirals through the enchantingly beautiful landscape that is home to Americas most traditional cultures. The awe-inspiring images from the Southwests best photographers vividly portray Monument Valleys cinematic spires and buttes, the grand depths of the Navajo stronghold of Canyon de Chelly, and the mysteries of Mesa Verde National Park. The text is light and entertaining, striking a perfect balance with the extraordinary images of a land shaped by time and steeped in legend.
Kathleen Bryant 作者作品表

eBook: Four Corners: Timeless Lands of the Southwest (DRM PDF)

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The Four Corners: Timeless Lands of the Southwest (Paperback)

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Moon Phoenix, Scottsdale & Sedona (Paperback)

Moon Spotlight Navajo & Hopi Country (Paperback)

Moon Four Corners (Paperback)

A Time to Love: Time to Love, A

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