eBook: EBOOK: Psychology 5e (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: HOLT 
分類: Psychology ,
Social, group or collective psychology  
書城編號: 28177986

售價: $520.00

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製造商: McGraw-Hill Education
出版日期: 2023/02/09
頁數: 1328
ISBN: 9781526849137
>> 相關實體書

The fifth edition of Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour continues to build on its strong biopsychosocial approach and balancing of classical and contemporary theory. The celebrated pedagogical design has been reinforced with additional pedagogical features and real world issues to offer an exciting and engaging introduction to the study of psychology.The fifth edition has been fully updated to reflect new developments in the field and the scientific approach brings together international research and practical application to encourage critical thinking about psychology and its impact on our societies and daily lives. Key features:Brand New! The Bigger Picture takes a step back and reflects on how a subject can be interpreted from different angles. Replacing the Levels of Analysis feature, the Bigger Picture explores not only the biological, psychological and environmental levels, but also cultural and developmental aspects as well. Brand New! Learning Goals and Review Questions encourage students to consider the core learnings of each chapter and critically assess their real world implications. New and Updated! Psychology at Work interviews from Psychologists in the field are now included in every chapter. They provide a glimpse into their day-to-day work and the career path they have taken since completing a psychology degree. Research Close Ups reflect new research and literature as well as updated critical thinking questions to encourage analysis and evaluation of the findings. Current issues and hot topics such as, Covid-19, fake news, workplace psychology, social media, prosociality and critical perspectives of positive psychology prompt debates on the questions facing psychologists today.Nigel Holt is Head of Department of Psychology at Aberystwyth University, WalesAndy Bremner is Professor of Developmental Psychology and Head of Education at the University of Birmingham, UKMichael Vliek is an affiliate of the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands and lectures at the University of Leiden, The NetherlandsEd Sutherland is an Associate Professor in Psychology and Director of Learning and Teaching at the University of Leeds, UKMichael W. Passer is an Associate Teaching Professor at the University of Washington, USARonald E. Smith is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Washington, USA
HOLT 作者作品表

Song of the Cicadas (Paperback)

An Autobiographical Sketch of a Teacher's Life (Paperback)

eBook: EBOOK: Psychology 5e (DRM EPUB)

eBook: EBOOK: Psychology 5e (DRM PDF)

I Am Somebody The Beginning of A Dream (Hardcover)

eBook: Fictitious Capital (DRM PDF)

eBook: Fictitious Capital (DRM EPUB)

Theory CB (Book)

eBook: Machine Embroidered Flowers, Woodlands and Landscapes (DRM PDF)

eBook: Machine Embroidered Art (DRM PDF)

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