eBook: Bastiat's The Law: His Person, His Liberty, and His Property (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Claude Frederic Bastiat 
系列: The collected Bastiat (3 books)
書城編號: 28178042

售價: $39.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Read Books Ltd.
出版日期: 2024/04/10
頁數: 60
ISBN: 9781528799249

Discover the timeless manifesto that ignited a revolution in economic thought.Frederic Bastiat masterfully argues for the preservation of individual liberty and the limitation of government intervention. With piercing clarity, he exposes the inherent dangers of using law as a tool for plunder and coercion, urging readers to champion the principles of justice, freedom, and the rule of law.Bastiat's significance in the realm of economics lies in his unparalleled ability to distill complex economic concepts into clear, accessible prose. A seminal work that remains as relevant today as it was in Bastiat's time, The Law is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the foundations of a just society and the perils of unchecked government power.
The collected Bastiat (3 books)

eBook: Bastiat's The Law: His Person, His Liberty, and His Property (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Bastiat's Timeless Essays on Political Economy (DRM EPUB)

Claude Frederic Bastiat 作者作品表

Bastiat's Economic Sophisms: A Beacon of Economic Clarity (Hardcover)

Bastiat's Timeless Essays on Political Economy (Hardcover)

Bastiat's Timeless Essays on Political Economy (Paperback)

Bastiat's the Law: His Person, His Liberty, and His Property (Paperback)

eBook: Bastiat's Timeless Essays on Political Economy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Bastiat's The Law: His Person, His Liberty, and His Property (DRM EPUB)

Bastiat's the Law: His Person, His Liberty, and His Property (Hardcover)

Popular Fallacies Regarding General Interests (Paperback)

Popular Fallacies Regarding General Interests (Hardcover)

Economic Sophisms (Hardcover)

Economic Sophisms (Paperback)

eBook: Economic Sophisms (DRM EPUB)

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