eBook: Hunt for Good Neighbor (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jason Lee 
分類: Religious & spiritual fiction  
書城編號: 28179459

售價: $65.00

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製造商: Distributed By Ingram Spark
出版日期: 2021/08/24
頁數: 268
ISBN: 9781637304860

What do bears, gangsters, and faith all have in common? You can find all these elements in the riveting tale The Hunt for Good Neighbor. Author Jason Lee explores the themes of repentance and salvation through the eyes of a young woman who discovers new life in the unlikeliest of places.The Hunt for Good Neighbor follows Annette, a young girl born into a mob family. On her 21st birthday, she must complete a rite of passage to enter into their ranks. She must reach deep and grapple with her own identity, failures and, inevitably who she wants to become. Annette must decide between her past and her future, all the while facing the challenges of living off the land and the exploration of the wild country.Jason Lee writes for readers who enjoy stories where convictions are tested and strengthened. He weaves a story of faith set in the rich and unpredictable natural landscape. The Hunt for Good Neighbor is a timeless novel that speaks to young adults setting out on their own life journeys for the first time and anyone who connects with elements of faith and struggle.
Jason Lee 作者作品表

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Bipolar Disorder and Creativity: Myth or Reality? (Paperback)

Ultimate Guide to Home Plan 2023: Creating a Comfortable and Energy-Efficient Indoor Environment (Paperback)

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Spit Roast (Paperback)

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Psychology of Screenwriting (Paperback)

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