eBook: Fewer. Better.: And Other Business Life Lessons. (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Howard Mann 
分類: Entrepreneurship  
書城編號: 28189016

售價: $117.00

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製造商: Distributed By Ingram Spark
出版日期: 2022/04/19
頁數: 190
ISBN: 9781737854227

Too many business owners and entrepreneurs are stuck in a false narrative. They think suffering and grinding for a windfall is the path to success. Howard Mann is here to call bullshit on all of it. In this book, Howard blows away the fog and shows how the practice of "Fewer. Better." enables business owners to have the wealth and quality of life they long for. Gleaned from his popular newsletter and podcast, these concise, honest and practical lessons are a boon to business owners everywhere. Howard argues that improving businesses does not come from the relentless pursuit of "more." Instead, he counsels leaders to focus on doing far fewer things and doing them better than anyone else. You will learn how to stop boiling like a frog, create a profit machine, say f*ck you to your pride, perform the all-important Reverse Michelangelo and many more transformative lessons. Howard's first book, Your Business Brickyard, showed readers how to make business more fun to run. This new book is full of new lessons with the same core mission. Get ready to have fun running your business again.
Howard Mann 作者作品表

The Dark Night of the Soul: Rising from the Reign of Ego (Paperback)

Rise: Breaking the Chains of Emotional Bondage (Paperback)

eBook: Fewer. Better.: And Other Business Life Lessons. (DRM EPUB)

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