eBook: Reimagining Public Spaces and Built Environments in the Post-Pandemic World (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Paul Messinger, Kishwar Habib 
分類: Architecture ,
The environment ,
Regional & area planning  
書城編號: 28193002

售價: $1248.00

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製造商: Ethics International Press
出版日期: 2024/03/29
頁數: 345
ISBN: 9781804410530

This book considers the implications of the emerging post-pandemic reality for public space and the built environment. It addresses changes to our cities, parks, neighborhoods, transportation modes, schools, streetscapes, cultural spaces, and engineering systems present in each of these. The chapters' broad topics include public space and the built environment; tactical urbanism and temporality; designing built environments and hybrid remote spaces; engaging community and participation; connection with nature for mental health and wellness; the future of post pandemic space; and disaster preparedness. Recurring themes are design flexibility, repurposed cities, building standards, virtual connectedness, environmental vigilance, refocus on wellness and green space, gender perspectives, and community organization. It will be an important reference work for researchers, students and practitioners.

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