eBook: Ethical Computing: From Meta Ethics to Data Ethics (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Wanbil Lee 
分類: Data analysis: general ,
Technology: general issues ,
Mining technology & engineering ,
Computer security  
書城編號: 28193013

售價: $1378.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Ethics International Press
出版日期: 2024/05/09
頁數: 345
ISBN: 9781804415498

Ethical Computing is a means to an end as well as an end to itself; a problem, and a solution to a problem. It is the application of computer ethics in striving for doing-the-right-thing effectively in cyberspace or an information-intensive and technology-driven environment. The book addresses the realities of using computers while measuring up to the hexa-dimension metric (technically effective, financially viable, legally valid, ethically and socially acceptable and ecologically sustainable) manifested in applications from problem to ethical solution. This book collects work and research in practise and teaching across decades, covering a multitude of fields including information technology and engineering, computer audit & data governance, law practice and enforcement, and public and business administration. This is useful reference for researchers, teachers and students in all fields of information technology. It will also be useful for Chief Information Officers and Chief Technology Officers (CIOs and CTOs) and information systems auditors, and specialist IT law practitioners.
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