eBook: Escape to the Tuscan Vineyard: A brand-new hilarious rom-com for 2024 to whisk you away to Italy (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Carrie Walker 
系列: Holiday Romance
分類: Romance ,
Adult & contemporary romance ,
Fiction: special features  
書城編號: 28193055

售價: $39.00

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製造商: Bloomsbury Publishing
出版日期: 2024/05/23
頁數: 400
ISBN: 9781804547328
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Pack your bags and uncork the laughter in this delightful romantic escapade! After getting her heart broken in her early twenties, Abi Mason vowed to live by a simple (but non-negotiable) rule: no second dates. Who needs a boyfriend, or anything else for that matter, when you have a career to think about? But life has other plans: with some unexpected time on her hands, Abi finds herself on holiday in Tuscany. Among sun-dappled vineyards and olive groves, Abi meets dashing American Tony, and it seems the universe is conspiring to force her out of her comfort zone...If Abi can break her own rules, could this unexpected Italian fling lead her to a happiness she never dared to dream of?Perfect for fans of Sophie Kinsella and Lindsey Kelk, this effervescent tale will whisk you away on a hilarious and heartwarming adventure you won't want to end!***Readers LOVE Escape to the Tuscan Vineyard:' Love it all, the scenery, the characters and the plot. It's funny and makes you smile. Love the writing too, easy flowing and quick to read in one sitting. It makes you want to jump on a plane to Italy now.' - NetGalley reviewer, 5*'Absolutely love, love, loved this one.' - NetGalley reviewer, 5*'An amazing, summer read. Would 100% recommend.' - NetGalley reviewer, 5*'I loved Carrie Walker's first book so I knew to expect armchair travel, warm-hearted explorations into love and relationships and some laugh-out-loud antics. This book didn't disappoint!' - NetGalley reviewer, 5*'What a lovely romantic read and a romantic setting. Italy and love just go together like peaches and cream. 5 stars.' - NetGalley reviewer, 5*
Holiday Romance

eBook: Escape to the Tuscan Vineyard: A brand-new hilarious rom-com for 2024 to whisk you away to Italy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Escape to the Swiss Chalet: The must-read hilarious new fiction debut to escape with in 2023! (DRM EPUB)

Carrie Walker 作者作品表

eBook: Escape to the Tuscan Vineyard: A brand-new hilarious rom-com for 2024 to whisk you away to Italy (DRM EPUB)

Emma's Hero (Paperback)

A Summer Of Friendships (Paperback)

Escape to the Swiss Chalet (Paperback)

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