eBook: Energy Vampires: How to Push Negative People Out of Your Life (Managing Stress & Negative Thoughts in Your Personal & Professional Life) (DRM E
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: David Smith 
書城編號: 28204145

售價: $78.00

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製造商: Distributed By Ingram Spark
出版日期: 2023/12/22
頁數: 210
ISBN: 9781999231934

Most drug addicts stay addicts because they cannot seem to get rid of the friends they had when they were. This is the same for unsuccessful people. Becoming successful requires you to associate yourself with successful people. Making the right friends takes work, time, and good intuition. It is a skill that you have to develop and I have the tools to assist you in doing so.In this must-read book, you will learn:The science of empathy (the Mirror Neuron System)Types of empathyThe problem of too much empathyUnderstanding your empathic natureStrengths and weaknesses of empathyHow to protect yourself from energy vampiresControlling your emotions with meditationApplications of empathy in the real world...and many more!As you read more, you will grow to understand what this all means and how you can build your gift to begin having a massive impact on the betterment of society, without draining yourself or giving yourself away in favor of this mission.
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