eBook: Concreting Righteousness in International Criminal Justice (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Farhad Malekian 
系列: Law, Crime and Law Enforcement
分類: Criminal law & procedure  
書城編號: 28223192

售價: $2080.00

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製造商: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
出版日期: 2024/05/17
頁數: 232
ISBN: 9798891136779

The philosophy of being righteous essentially sustains our existence, questioning the sphere of morality in man. It reaches the colossal connotation of the royal essence of our natural virtue-if it exists-which can then institute the soul of all international human rights and criminal conventions. No matter what we include in our arguments and reasoning in relation to the content of justice itself, it is the sugarcoated perception of the improper use of our obligations that undermines its major philosophy. All divisive interpretations of the nature of rights and justice ultimately reveal how fragile our human rights ecosphere is and why there is a lack of criminal accountability for those who commit core international crimes. The truth is that justice is served without using any metaphysics of categorical righteousness. Consequently, the axiomatic merit of justice remains conceptually indistinct, as it cannot face the noble spirit of the forum of humanity. Justice becomes a simple metaphor. The very merits of being righteous decline, and the actual notions of cruel injustice escalate. This is not my assumption, nor is it the judgment of national or international courts. It is proven, it is seen, and it is waged. We will witness that those very major and invaluable provisions of justice have been recycled "in the name of humanity" to slaughter populations of millions in order to gain control of their resources.
Law, Crime and Law Enforcement

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eBook: Concreting Righteousness in International Criminal Justice (DRM PDF)

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Farhad Malekian 作者作品表

eBook: Conundrums of Paternalism in International Criminal Justice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Concreting Righteousness in International Criminal Justice (DRM PDF)

eBook: International Criminal Vacations: Tears of Justice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Exploitation of Christian Islamic International Criminal Justice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Tour de force of Moral Virtue in International Criminal Justice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Imperative Philosophy of International Criminal Justice. Visible Power. Invisible Essence. (DRM PDF)

eBook: Powertionism in International Criminal Justice (DRM PDF)

Conscience of Lawyers in International Criminal Law: The Burden of Doppelgangers (Hardcover)

Conscience of Judges in International Criminal Law: The Heart of Judgement (Hardcover)

eBook: Conscience of Judges in International Criminal Law: The Heart of Judgement (DRM PDF)

Gravity of Wisdom in International Criminal Law (Hardcover)

eBook: Conscience of Lawyers in International Criminal Law: The Burden of Doppelgangers (DRM PDF)

Conscience of Prosecutors in International Criminal Law: The Heart of the Matter (Hardcover)

Orchestrating Diversity in International Criminal Justice (Hardcover)

eBook: Conscience of Prosecutors in International Criminal Law: The Heart of the Matter (DRM PDF)

eBook: Gravity of Wisdom in International Law (DRM PDF)

eBook: Orchestrating Diversity in International Criminal Justice (DRM PDF)

Classical Morality in International Peremptory Criminal Law (Hardcover)

Paralysing International Criminal Justice (Hardcover)

International Criminal Law: The Law of Somebodiness -- The Law of Nobodiness (Hardcover)

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