eBook: Intelligence Analysis and the United States: Threats to the Hegemony (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: John Michael Weaver 
系列: Political Science and History
分類: Politics & government  
書城編號: 28223203

售價: $1235.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
出版日期: 2024/05/13
頁數: 160
ISBN: 9798891137394

As President Biden moves forward with an election year, there are several issues that pertain to national security. More to the point, there are state and non-state actors looking to weaken the United States. Accordingly, this book conducts a deeper dive into these issues and the authors conduct an analysis using two models: the York Intelligence Red Team Model and the Federal Secondary Data Case Study Triangulation Model. Both models have been vetted and used in numerous peer-reviewed publications over the last decade.
Political Science and History

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John Michael Weaver 作者作品表

National Security Through the Lens of the 'Five Eyes' Nations: Analyzing Domestic and Homeland Considerations for Intersectoral Collaboration (2024) (

eBook: National Security Through the Lens of the 'Five Eyes' Nations: Analyzing Domestic and Homeland Considerations for Intersectoral Collaboration (

eBook: National Security Through the Lens of the 'Five Eyes' Nations: Analyzing Domestic and Homeland Considerations for Intersectoral Collaboration (

eBook: Intelligence Analysis and the United States: Threats to the Hegemony (DRM PDF)

The "Five Eyes" Intelligence Sharing Relationship: A Contemporary Perspective (2024) (Hardcover)

Intelligence Analysis: Domestic and Foreign Threats Confronting the Biden Administration (Hardcover)

eBook: Intelligence Analysis: Domestic and Foreign Threats Confronting the Biden Administration (DRM PDF)

eBook: U.S. Cybersecurity and Intelligence Analysis Challenges (DRM PDF)

eBook: U.S. Cybersecurity and Intelligence Analysis Challenges (DRM EPUB)

eBook: NATO in Contemporary Times: Purpose, Relevance, Future (DRM PDF)

eBook: NATO in Contemporary Times: Purpose, Relevance, Future (DRM EPUB)

Contemporary Intelligence Analysis and National Security: A Critical American Perspective (Hardcover)

Global Intelligence Priorities: (from the Perspective of the United States) (Hardcover)

eBook: Global Intelligence Priorities (from the Perspective of the United States) (DRM PDF)

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