Life's Little Lessons: The Good Food Day (Hardcover)
作者: Amber Stewart 
書城編號: 28238730

原價: HK$150.00
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出版社: Boxer Books
出版日期: 2024/09/03
重量: 0.41 kg
ISBN: 9781915801760

Ollie doesn't like eating different types of food--it might be too crunchy, too squishy, or too close together. One day, when Ollie lacks energy for his favorite game of T-ball, he realizes that there is a link between food and energy, and being healthy and strong. If he is going to dream of becoming a world-class T-ball player, he might need to change his eating habits!

Amber Stewart 作者作品表

Life's Little Lessons: The Good Food Day (UK Edition) (Paperback)

Life's Little Lessons: Bedtime Explorer (UK Edition) (Paperback)

Life's Little Lessons: The Good Food Day (Hardcover)

Life's Little Lessons: Bedtime Explorer (Hardcover)

Sassy Sally and Her Little Dog Suzi Have Their First Fight (Paperback)

Life's Little Lessons: The Sharing Star (UK Edition) (Paperback)

Life's Little Lessons: Loud Louis (UK Edition) (Paperback)

Life's Little Lessons: Loud Louis (Hardcover)

Life's Little Lessons: The Sharing Star (Hardcover)

Sassy Sally and Her Little Dog Suzi Celebrate Birthdays (Paperback)

Around The World in Every Vehicle (Hardcover)

Bramble the Brave (Paperback)

Rabbit Ears (paperback)

Bramble the Brave (Hardcover)

Just Like Tonight (Paperback)

Little by Little (Paperback)

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