The Big Book of Marriage: Unpacking God's Design for Lifelong Covenant (Paperback)
作者: Leah Silverii 
書城編號: 28238775

售價: $200.00

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出版社: Five Stones Pr
出版日期: 2024/05/10
重量: 0.27 kg
ISBN: 9781957672441

Unlock the Secrets to a Fulfilling Marriage!
Are you ready to transform your marriage from ordinary to extraordinary? Look no further! In "The Big Book of Marriage," Dr. Scott and Leah Silverii offer profound insights, practical wisdom, and heartfelt encouragement to help couples navigate the beautiful journey of matrimony.
What's Inside:

1. Healing Hearts, Restoring Bonds:
- Discover how to mend wounds, forgive, and rebuild trust.
- Learn powerful communication techniques to bridge emotional gaps.
- Explore the art of vulnerability and emotional intimacy.

2. Thriving Together:
- Dive into the secrets of a thriving marriage.
- Uncover the keys to passion, romance, and lasting connection.
- Explore ways to prioritize each other amidst life's demands.

3. Growing Side by Side:
- Marriage isn't static-it's a dynamic adventure!
- Dr. Scott and Leah guide you through growth phases.
- From newlyweds to empty nesters, find inspiration for every season.

Why You'll Love This Book:
- Real-Life Stories: The Scott and Leah share personal anecdotes, illustrating how these principles transformed their own marriage.
- Biblical Foundation: Grounded in timeless truths, this book aligns with God's design for marriage.
- Practical Exercises: Engage with thought-provoking questions and practical exercises to apply the concepts immediately.
- Expert Guidance: Dr. Scott's expertise in counseling and Leah's heart for relationships combine to create a powerful resource.

Whether you're newlyweds embarking on this adventure or seasoned partners seeking renewal, "The Big Book of Marriage" is your compass-a roadmap to a love that grows deeper with each passing day.
Get ready to strengthen your bond, ignite passion, and build a marriage that stands the test of time.

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