Caninity: An Anthology of Dog Illustrations from Around the World (Hardcover)
作者: Victionary 
分類: Animals & nature in art (still life, landscapes & seascapes, etc) ,
書城編號: 28254369

原價: HK$420.00
現售: HK$399 節省: HK$21

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出版社: Victionary
出版日期: 2024/11/28
頁數: 256
尺寸: 235 x 170 mm
ISBN: 9789887684572

From the ancient civilizations that revered them as guardians to our contemporary homes where they embody loyalty and love, dogs have etched their paw prints onto the tapestry of our shared experience. As steadfast companions, tireless workers, and endearing friends, they have not only earned their keep by our sides, but have also become muses for artists and creatives around the world.

Caninity encapsulates the diverse and whimsical artistic interpretations of dogs across breeds, from the Mastiff to the Maltese. Much like our faithful companions themselves, the artwork within the pages are a kaleidoscope of styles, painted with love and imagination by artists from every corner of the globe.

Victionary 作者作品表

Start from Scratch: Big Branding for Small Businesses (Hardcover)

ThreeDimensional: 3D Graphics in Branding and Design (Paperback)

Folkish: Illustrations Inspired by Folklore (Hardcover)

CodeCrafted: Generative Design in Branding (Paperback)

Avian Inspiration: Art and Design Inspired by Birds (Hardcover)

Display in Use: A Collection of Display Typefaces (Hardcover)

Stencil in Use: A Collection of Stencil Typefaces (Hardcover)

Caninity: An Anthology of Dog Illustrations from Around the World (Hardcover)

PALETTE mini Series Sketchbook White Edition (Hardcover)

PALETTE mini Series Sketchbook Black Edition (Hardcover)

Funkadelic: The Vibrant Artistry of the '70s (Paperback)

Insectile Inspiration: Insects in Art and Illustration (Hardcover)

Made in Korea: Awe-inspiring Graphics from Korea Today (Paperback)

Sketched Out: Artistic Sketchbooks and Journals Unveiled (Paperback)

Songscapes: Stunning Graphics and Visuals in the Music Scene (Hardcover)

GRAPHIC FEST 2: Spot-on Identities for Festivals & Fairs (Paperback)

Serif In Use: Creative Typefaces and their Applications (Hardcover)

Sans In Use: Creative Typefaces and their Applications (Hardcover)

Get Lost!: Explore the World in Map Illustrations (Hardcover)

LIFE STILLS: Art and Illustrations inspired by Serenity (Hardcover)

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