Life Really Socks: Into the Sock-Verse Volume 1 (Hardcover)
作者: Shidan Youssefian 
書城編號: 28263481

原價: HK$250.00
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出版社: Andrews & Mcmeel
出版日期: 2024/09/03
重量: 0.61 kg
ISBN: 9781524894030

Have you ever lost a sock? It's in the Sock-Verse! Get ready to embark on a series of toe-tally awesome adventures that follow a band of misfit socks as they journey through this new whimsical world.

Enter Freddy: a skater sock who gets caught in a dizzying spin-cycle and is magically transported into the vibrant Sock-Verse. Alone for the first time in his life, Freddy strikes up an unlikely friendship with Ruffles, a no-nonsense frilly sock, and Hanks, a warm and fuzzy knee-high. This trio of mismatched misfits embark on an epic quest in search of the gatekeeper of the Sock-Verse, an elusive being that knows the secrets to travel back to the Foot-side--a way back to Freddy's sock-twin Peter!

But the journey won't be easy. Our heroes will come toe-to-toe with a gang of dyed socks who are heel-bent on bringing order and monotonous conformity to the Sock-Verse. As the trio work together to overcome many challenges, they will forge an enduring friendship and discover how wonderfully wacky and diverse the Sock-Verse really is.

SpongeBob meets Adventure Time in this colorful, hilarious, and heartwarming graphic novel series that will make you see your socks in a new light.

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