Twenty Big Trucks in the Middle of Christmas (Board Books)
作者: Mark Lee 
書城編號: 28270095

原價: HK$100.00
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出版社: Candlewick Books
出版日期: 2024/09/03
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9781536238235

"Readers will find themselves pausing to pore over each glorious spread. . . . No preschooler will want to miss out on this heavyweight Christmas story." --School Library Journal (starred review)

One doughnut truck, on a cold winter day, drives into town and parks and stays.

The snowy town is filling up with a procession of trucks of all shapes and sizes, including a snowplow, a crane, a digger, a semitrailer transporting the town's majestic Christmas tree, and even a flatbed carrying Santa's sleigh. All in all, twenty trucks roll in full of sparkle and anticipation, ready to set up the holiday festivities. But when the star being hoisted to the top of the Christmas tree wobbles and crashes to the ground, what could possibly be used to replace it? Thankfully, a pair of siblings scan the scene and come up with the perfect solution. Author Mark Lee and illustrator Kurt Cyrus team up for a buoyant story delivering satisfying rhymes, holiday spirit, and most importantly, twenty trucks for counting.

Mark Lee 作者作品表

Twenty Big Trucks in the Middle of Christmas (Board Books)

Hormones of Happiness (Paperback)

Savannah and Tybee Beach: Inside Info for a Great Low Country Trip (Paperback)

C++ Programming for the Absolute Beginner (Paperback)

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