God's Kindness Fruit: Walking Through the Fields of Grace and Mercy in Bloom (Paperback)
作者: Marilyn E. Porter 
書城編號: 28273808

售價: $130.00

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出版社: Steiner Books
出版日期: 2023/10/15
重量: 0.17 kg
ISBN: 9781948853705

The Fruit of the Spirit, as mentioned in the Holy Bible in Galatians Chapter 5, includes "KINDNESS" as one of the nine attributes. In this book, seven authors share their stories of times when kindness was both given and received. The stories are eye-opening, as you will learn that kindness is sometimes taken for granted-although it shouldn't be.

Written to encourage the reader, various topics are explored, including bullying, the loss of a child, the kindness of children, how parental figures shaped lives, and so much more. You are encouraged to reflect on your life and continue to demonstrate kindness in all areas of your life, even when others may be deemed "unworthy."

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